Monday, July 16, 2012

Challenge Updates

Spotty forehead
It has been a while since I posted but my household was in the grips of illness. We've had my 2 older children with a terrible flu which had my son admitted to hospital with suspected meningicoccal (when the hospital suggested it I freaked! Thankfully it was only a flu!) and both of them sporting temperatures soaring to 40 degrees celsius without Panadol and Nurofen tagteaming for over a week. Quite stressful. Then we had interstate guests arrive who unknowingly brought a gastro bug with them and that felled half the household in domino form. I was thankful that God granted my prayers for protection of Miss 3 who was still in the grips of the flu and wouldn't have coped with gastro as well. Little Miss 3months was protected too and what a relief that was!

In the midst of the illnesses, we had a visit to our new allergy specialist (since we've moved interstate) and it was encouraging to see Miss 3's allergies diminishing and the promise of a baked egg challenge and maybe even a baked milk or even normal milk challenge on the agenda. We await her blood test results to see when and what will be tested. Master 5's peanut/treenut allergies continue to skin test strongly and we will go for a desensitisation program eventually (to reduce the chance of death, not to be able to eat it) but not for a good few years. I was able to briefly chat to him about Miss 3months and my current diet and what I should be doing. He said that I should not be avoiding anything "just in case" but if it was creating a reaction in her then I could avoid it. When I mentioned the dairy challenge I did, he recommended doing another to confirm a reaction rather than just going off one which could have been caused by something else.

So, I have done a dairy and an egg challenge since I last posted and I am pretty pleased to say that it seems dairy is ok. Her face has coped a lot better and there is no nappy rash and nothing on her torso. So I am going to stay on dairy for a while and see how she goes! (Yay chocolate!) For the egg challenge I had one fried egg (with a runny yolk - yay for not being pregnant!) two mornings in a row and watched how she went. The first day didn't really show much but by the second she had some spots developing on her forehead. It certainly wasn't a big reaction but her skin quality was compromised. So, I've stopped egg to get her skin clear again and then we'll do another challenge. Maybe I'll eat pavlova next time (yum!). It was nice to know that I could potentially eat egg and not get a big reaction from her.

Wheat is the final frontier. Stay tuned.

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