Tuesday, July 31, 2012


I finally got around to challenging wheat this week. This means I eat food made from wheat and see what it does to Miss 0 through the breastmilk. I've been putting it off because I thought she would have a strong reaction and who wants to do that to their baby? I waited until the dairy was out of her system - I'm pretty sure she is allergic to that. I started on wheat in the morning so that I could see her reaction rather than eat later in the day and risk her reacting overnight and waking with terribly itchy skin etc. But amazingly, I needn't have worried. I have been eating wheat (rather substantially since the first day...!) for 4 days now and she hasn't reacted at all. She had a bit of nappy rash but that cleared today so I don't think it was related. I'm quietly excited and hopeful that it won't be an allergy for her at all and, in the meantime, am enjoying the ability to eat it. Still keeping an eye on her skin just in case but it's looking hopeful! Very thankful to God for this little mercy.

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