Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Ice Cream Cones

We recently instituted Friday night ice-cream after dinner. The kids are super excited about it and often try to work out if it is Friday yet. Miss 2 can have soy ice-cream and we are currently using So Good's Chocolate ice-cream. I was at a specialty shop and happened on some gluten-free ice cream cones by Eskal and so I snapped them up. Both kids really enjoyed having them and we saved washing up 2 more bowls :)

There's lots more gluten free products by Eskal here - we have enjoyed the Deli Crackers before but haven't seen many of the other products in regular stores. I think some aren't dairy free so make sure you check.


  1. Yes we had soy ice cream last summer. we all love it. I've tried making my own at home but didn't come out as nice. Sobert is another good alternative.

  2. I also want to say that I love reading your blog (ps I'm Glorya's friend so I found your blog). You must love cooking! I don't think it's too hard with allergies children but we have to be organised. I found that the hardest. One mother said to me there is also another advantage is that we don't (or can't) feed them junk foods and that's true too.

  3. Hi Becky! Nice to hear from you - yes, Glorya told me you had been reading my blog - thanks for the comments :)

    Sorbet is a great option except that my daughter won't have a bar of it - what a pity. She says it is too cold...but yet is happy for ice-cream - funny!

    I think we definitely have a healthier diet due to the allergies - totally agree with you. Also totally agree about the organisation, plus I think it can be hard but gets easier as you wrap your head around what and how you can cook. It is definitely a growing confidence for me.


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