Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Mrs Robens Tortillas

The results!

The all important fold and hold test!

The other day I ordered a tortilla mix from the Allergy Train website. I made sure I put burritos on our menu plan and so on Sunday it was burrito time! The mix instructions are designed for the mix to be used all at once so I had to work hard at working out my ratios but I managed to make just enough for 3 tortillas. One problem was that you need a tortilla press but I used our sandwich press (with baking paper because we often put buttered normal bread in there) and although they were a bit thick, we had success! My daughter really enjoyed them and they rolled really well - no breakage - a very important thing in the gluten free world! I tasted them and they were very pleasant, even in the aftertaste. So we'll be doing that again soon. These tortillas also might be a good lunch option for when she starts school (but hopefully she may have grown out of the allergy by then...?)

We filled our burritos with chicken and chick peas seasoned with an Old El Paso burrito mix and pan fried, grated carrot, diced tomato, cucumber slices and shredded lettuce. Yum.


  1. so is the el paso burrito mix ok allergy wise?
    these sound great

  2. Hi Michele - Thanks! The Old El Paso burrito mix is fine - it's maize flour and pinto beans and the rest is mainly spices, anti-caking agent etc. Their Taco mix is fine too. We use them regularly. It's nice to have some 'normal' flavours to eat.

  3. I was wondering if a sandwich press would work, I'll have to give it a try next time.

  4. It was pretty good Oscar's Mum but not ideal - what did you use?

  5. I used a frying pan after rolling them very thinly between 2 pieces of glad wrap. It would have worked really well if I could have gotten them off the glad wrap in one piece!


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